Oct. 17, 2023

110. It’s Time For The Remnant To Prepare

110. It’s Time For The Remnant To Prepare
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Remnant Warriors Rise

It’s Time For The Remnant To Prepare


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Are you ready to begin a journey of living out the plans and purposes of God in your life? I believe that now is the time for Christians to rise and expand the kingdom of God in the earth.

In these end of days, it is important to make preparations for the fulfillment of the Lord’s plans. To do this, seek God first and foremost in every area of your life. When we are in alignment with His will by spending time in prayer and reading the Bible, we will see His sovereignty made manifest in our circumstances.

Secondly, energetically pursue righteousness and seek the Lord’s guidance for the actions we take. Diligently work to serve others in the spirit of love, and faithfully—even if it isn’t popular—stand firm on His truth. When we are obedient to His voice and walk in His ways, His plans will be fulfilled through us.

Finally, know that no matter what our human limitations may be, God can do what He has promised. He is able to bring His plans and purposes to life—even things that seem impossible. As we trust Him, He can use us to accomplish great things for His glory.

We encourage you to get ready for the journey with God. Make preparations now to live out His plans and purposes in your life and be a part of something that will last for eternity. After all, it is a privilege to be called by Him for such a time as this. The possibilities are endless, you just have to respond with faith and obedience.
➡️ let me know in the comments if I can pray for you!🙏😀

➡️ if the Lord healed you physically please comment or leave your testimony at https://Remnantwarriorsrise.com/contact
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It’s time for the people of God to be the Remnant Warriors the Lord wants us to be, have backbones of steel, and release the fire 🔥 of his word to a world that needs it!⤵️

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