Ambassadors of the kingdom of God emulate the life Jesus lived through the power, authority, and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, during His earthly ministry, demonstrated love, compassion, and miraculous power, all fueled by His intimate connection with the Father through the Holy Spirit. Similarly, as ambassadors, we tap into the same source of power and authority, enabling us to carry out His mission on earth. The Holy Spirit empowers us to love sacrificially, serve selflessly, and boldly proclaim the truth of the gospel. With His anointing, we are equipped to heal the sick, set captives free, and bring hope to the hopeless. Living life as Jesus did isn't merely about imitating His actions, but about allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us, transforming our hearts and empowering us to impact the world around us for the glory of God.
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It’s time for the people of God to be the Remnant Warriors the Lord wants us to be, have backbones of steel, and release the fire 🔥 of his word to a world that needs it!⤵️
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