Can we agree together in prayer today?
Let’s start by saying that God is good! We must keep this foundational knowledge deeply rooted in our heart.
What the devil wants to take from you most is this understanding of God‘s goodness and favor.
He wants you to lay down your faith because he understands that the Lord MOVES and WORKS through faith!
Don’t fall for the enemy’s lie.
God IS good, and the Lord will come through for you!
**May you be filled with God’s presence today and hear his voice.**
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**Just so you know…**
The podcast is released **Almost daily**, and **it’s only 5 or 6 minutes long
…an easy listen in the car.**
You can listen on iTunes, YouTube, IGTV
, my blog, and on our church app\website.
I send out emails about each episode, and I really hope you’ll join us and agree in prayer!
We are stronger together!
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