Did you know that God is doing something in your life right now? You need to lean into what God is doing! No matter where you find yourself on your faith spectrum, God is doing a work. For the remnant, for the people of God, I'm trying to encourage you right now; you may be feeling weary in the battle. You may be feeling like you have just been to hell and back through the things that the enemy has placed against you and the ways that he has fought against you. It could be physically, spiritually, emotionally, or mentally, and you may feel drained. I'm just telling you right now, though, you need to understand why you're facing and have faced all of those issues lately is because God has something for you. He's doing something in you right now. Those thoughts that battle against your mind and those that come against your mind are things the enemy is trying to use against you because he knows God is doing work in your life. He's doing a mighty work. The enemy doesn't know all of God's plans, but he has studied us long enough to know and see when God is up to something great in somebody's life.
In this last day hour, as we see the nearness of Jesus' return, the Lord is getting ready and is already preparing harvest across the earth. He is about to release his people into harvest. The Lord is about to open up doors. He's about to do things in the lives of people they may have prayed about for years. God is about to come through in areas where you've needed him to come through. He's about to do that work. The enemy sees that, and he fights against you.
I want to encourage you today to lean into what God is doing. Don't allow these things that come against you to be things that pull you away from God. Our natural response is to hide from the Lord. This has been the natural response of the flesh since the Garden of Eden. You remember that story, how Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and then they knew that they were naked, or in other words, they were exposed, and so they hid themselves from God. Listen, the natural response of our flesh is to draw back or to hide from God, but I encourage you, don't do that. Even when you're facing battles, you need to run to God. You need to run to the Lord. It would help if you ran to your Father. The Bible calls him Abba. That's a term of endearment, like, "Dad, I'm running to you, my Dad. I'm running to you, my Heavenly Father, because you are the source of my strength and help."
Lean into the work of God and be encouraged because if you're facing tremendous fights and if you've kept the sin out of your life, you can know the reason you're facing those battles is that God is literally about to come through for you, so you need to lean into that.
In Acts chapter 26, beginning at verse number 13, this is Paul the Apostle, and he's giving his testimony before King Agrippa, and he says, "About noon, your Majesty, as I was on the road, a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, shone down on me and my companions. And we all fell down, and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It's useless for you to fight against my will. Who are you, Lord? I asked. And the Lord replied I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting. Now get to your feet."
So many of us need to hear that. Get to your feet. Remnant, people of God, this is time to get to your feet, stand up for what God is doing in your life, and lean into that. God is trying to give you a vision. He's trying to give you a dream. He's trying to give you hope and destiny. He's trying to do something in you that will be of eternal value. Get to your feet. Now's not the time to slink back. Now's not the time to go back. Don't let the devil push you around. Come on, rise up. Rise up. He said, "Now get to your feet, for I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant and witness. Tell people that you've seen me and tell them what I will show you in the future." He was giving Paul words. He was giving Paul a mission. He was giving Paul an assignment and a vision. He was saying, you need to rise up and do what I'm telling you to do. I will place words in your mouth, words in your heart.
You affect people more than you realize. You have family, friends, coworkers, and different relationships where you have the power of influence, and God has placed you there. This is the moment for you to rise up into that influence, to lean into what God is doing, and allow God to fulfill his vision in your life. Don't shy back from it. Please don't run away from it. Don't allow the devil to throw you off task or off track or to get you off course from what the Lord is doing. This is an important hour for your life and for the people of God. So we lean in. The Lord was saying to Paul, "Paul, I'm going to give you things to say. Be obedient, be obedient."
In Verse 17, he continues, "And I will rescue you from both your own people and the Gentiles. Yes, I'm sending you to the Gentiles to open their eyes so they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. Then they will receive forgiveness for their sins and be given a place among God's people who are set apart by faith in me." In Verse 19, he says, "And so King Agrippa, I obeyed that vision from heaven." Another translation says, "I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision." And I want to encourage you today, as God is doing work in your life, you may feel like it's tough for you to pray. It's challenging for you to press into the presence of God. It's complicated for you to do some of these things that draw you near to God. But press past those feelings and get into the presence of God.
The enemy wants to throw condemnation at you and say to you, "Why should you be allowed into the very presence of God for him to work and move in your life?" But that's a ploy of the enemy to keep you from what God is trying to do in your life. The more time you spend in God's presence, the more his anointing can saturate and seep into your life. And the more anointing he places on you, the more he can use you for his purposes. It would help if you leaned into that. Lean into what God is doing. Lean into it. Be obedient to the heavenly vision. Be obedient to what God is asking you to do. Rise to your feet.
You may be thinking today, well, I don't know what God wants me to do. I encourage you to continue to seek the face of God. Continue to allow him to saturate your life. God is about to open some doors for people that they've wanted open, that they've needed open, and in many cases, that they prayed to be open. God's about to open those doors. And the things that he's promised and declared, he's about to do, he's about to push some people forward into the plans and purpose of God. So, we have to be obedient.
Obey the vision from heaven. Lean into what God is doing. Get into the presence of God.
"Heavenly Father, I pray for my friend reading this post right now. God, I pray in this hour that they will find what they need in the presence of God. Lord Jesus, help your remnant right now. I pray that you release an anointing for prayer warriors to be raised across the earth. God, an anointing for prayer warriors, an anointing for people to come into the purposes of God and be released into their assignments and the purpose for which they were made that was destined for this hour. Lord, strengthen them and encourage them. And don't let us fall to the enemy's devices or lies. But Heavenly Father, keep our eyes firmly planted on Jesus Christ and what he's doing in our life. Now, Lord, as you ask us some things that may even be difficult or hard, help us trust you and step into it by faith in the name of Jesus. Amen."