Today I am releasing a prophetic word the Lord spoke to my heart a couple of weeks ago. It’s up to you to pray it through and figure out whether or not you’ll receive it, but I believe he spoke it to me, to my church, and also wanted me to release this word to you through the podcast.
There is something the Lord wants to do among his people, and the enemy is trying to stop it. Satan wants to silence the mouth of God’s people, and stop our forward progression, because WE ARE MAKING A DENT IN THE ENEMY’S ARMOR.
No enemy of the Lord will continue to stand when God declares his word over our life, and that is EXACTLY what the Lord is trying to do for us right now!
I’m praying that no matter what you are facing or going through, you will not be discouraged, because the Lord IS WORKING, whether you see him yet or not.
The Lord’s purposes will prevail!
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Just so you know…
The podcast is released Almost daily, and it’s only 5 or 6 minutes long
…an easy listen in the car.
You can listen on iTunes, YouTube, IGTV
, my blog, and on our church app\website.
I send out emails about each episode, and I really hope you’ll join us and agree in prayer!
We are stronger together!
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