April 30, 2022

Spiritual Data Leaks

Spiritual Data Leaks
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Remnant Warriors Rise

Spiritual Data Leaks

If you’ve ever experienced that moment when it feels like something is being used against you, like the things you’ve prayed for and sought God about are being used against you… Then you may have experienced a spiritual data leak!

A spiritual data leak is when the enemy seeks to use things in your spiritual life against you, because somewhere, someway, somehow… You have left a spiritual door open, and the enemy is trying to get into your life and mess up the plans and purposes of God. It’s time to close the door! You have a place in the Remnant…You are called to be a Warrior…It’s time to rise!

#remnantwarriorsrise #healing #HolySpirit #ChristianTiktok #spiritualwarfare #Jesus #JesusChrist #God #JesusSaves #JesusLives #JesusIsKing #BibleVerse #Bibleverseoftheday #demon #angels #Christian #Christianity #Faith #Freedom #Truth #faith #nofear #salvation #bloodofjesus

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