Remnant Warriors Rise

Discernment of spirits | Oct. 22, 2021

In this last day hour, when so many false, evil spirits are battling to usurp authority in our life, and trying to damage God’s people…more than ever, we need the gift of discernment.

This gift is STILL REAL and it is VERY ACTIVE.
Holy Spirit’s gifts for us did not cease with the early church as some would say, but they are available…NOW…and each gift is vital and necessary for the church in this hour.

We simply need to begin seeking the Holy Spirit to pour out his power and his gifts in our life.
The Lord has power to raise you up and cause you to intercede with powerful prayers on behalf of your family, friends, church, the nation, and the earth…and we need his voice speaking into our heart, guiding our prayers as never before.

Please share this on your social media accounts…Facebook, Twitter, even mention on Instagram.


**Just so you know…**
The podcast is released **Almost daily😀**, and **it’s only 5 or 6 minutes long🔊…an easy listen in the car.**

You can listen on iTunes, YouTube, IGTV 🙌🏻 😀, my blog, and on our church app\website.

I send out emails about each episode, and I really hope you’ll join us and agree in prayer!
We are stronger together!
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