Remnant Warriors Rise

Episode 194: Pressing Into The Kingdom Of God - Part 1

Full transcript:


The Lord is raising up a remnant of bold warriors in this generation who will rise up with a message of truth to combat against the darkness of our times. God longs to move and answer your prayers and use you in powerful ways. Will you be a part of this remnant? This is the Remnant Warriors Rise Podcast.


Wow, God is so good and I'm thankful for all his goodness and I'm glad that you are with me, choosing to be with me on this episode of the podcast. At the outset, I just want to say this, I feel like there may be somebody listening today that you are discouraged about some things that are happening in your life. But let me just say like this, the Lord never promised everything was going to be easy.


He just did not, but he did promise to be with you in everything and in every area. So my friend, just know that you are not alone today and that God is with you and that he is going to propel you into the place that you need to be as you continue to trust in him. So don't give up and don't quit.


I want to jump into a topic today that the Lord is beginning to stir in my heart and I'll just simply say it, it's this, it's pressing into the kingdom of God, pressing into the kingdom of God. I really feel like the Lord has laid on my heart this statement, say to my people, it's time for them to learn to press into my kingdom, to press, come on.


If we're the people of God and the remnant warriors of God that God is using to bring light to the darkness in this last day, then we've got to be people who at all costs press into the kingdom of God. What does it mean to press? What does that mean?


We get the idea that to press generally means, you know, to push or to shove or to forcefully make room or to push your way into something while at the same time, you know, being pushed and pressed against by that which tries to keep you from your place. I want you to understand that that's important because as you try to get closer to the Lord, so many people are unfamiliar with spiritual warfare.


I had a conversation with a person just yesterday at the time of this recording and they were talking about spiritual warfare and how oftentimes people just don't understand and they don't believe it's real and they don't think about the reality of the unseen world, but friend, there is a reality to the unseen world and absolutely we are fighting against demonic strongholds and powers that want to keep us down.


Now I'm not one to advocate looking for a demon behind every bush or demon behind every tree. I don't think that, but at that same time on the flip side of that coin, if you are actively pursuing the Lord Jesus, then the fact is there is actively going to be some demonic warfare pursuing you because you're trying to bring light into places where there


are strongholds of darkness and that could be in your family, it could be in your marriage, it could be in your workplace. You're trying to bring in light into those areas and so you're forcefully pressing and making room and at the same time you're being pushed against. Sometimes I think we wonder, why am I being pushed so hard?


Why am I being pressed against so hard? Why is it that everything is coming against me? I'm being pushed and pressed against. Well, it's because you're trying to bring light in a dark place and you're pressing into the kingdom.


So to press is the act of putting pressure, you know, maybe even to try to get into something and so as we press into the kingdom of God, we're putting pressure on the kingdom of God, we're pushing and pressing our way in. Ironically enough, the dictionary defines it also as an aggressive pressuring defense employed in basketball, often over the entire court area.


So it's a press to keep the opposite army, if you will, at bay. Not only are we pressing into the kingdom, but we're pressing back against the darkness. So to press into the kingdom of God is to forcefully push your way into those things which God is trying to do in your life and I feel like the Lord is saying, tell and teach my people to press again into my kingdom.


I feel like there was probably a time in history where we better understood that we were supposed to press into the kingdom of God and frankly speaking, it often comes in times where the church is going through difficult seasons, hard seasons in the earth and in those times that remnant, which is what we are, which is what God is raising up, that remnant of people begin to press and push into the things of God because God is our anchor, our source,


our stronghold and even though in easy times we know he's that, you look all through scripture and in the easy times, that's when people begin to bec...