Remnant Warriors Rise

Episode 210: Fear Of When God’s Plan Actually Comes To Fruition

Have you ever prayed for something, and when God’s plan finally starts unfolding, fear sneaks in? It’s wild how we can long for God to use us, only to feel totally underqualified or unprepared when the door opens.

Here’s the truth: God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. If He’s been preparing you for this moment, He’ll equip you to step into it. The fear you’re feeling isn’t a reflection of your abilities—it’s a reflection of how big God’s plan is. That’s a good thing! If you could handle it all on your own, you wouldn’t need Him.

Remember Moses? He didn’t think he was ready to confront Pharaoh. Or David? A shepherd boy taking on Goliath? God specializes in using people who feel ill-prepared to do extraordinary things. Why? So that when it all comes together, it’s obvious it was Him working through you.

So if you’re standing at the edge of something new and fear is whispering, “You’re not ready,” remind yourself: God is your strength, your wisdom, and your provider. Trust Him. Step in faith, not in your feelings. You’re exactly where He wants you. If He brought you to it, He’ll carry you through it. Let’s walk boldly into His plan together!

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It’s time for the people of God to be the Remnant Warriors the Lord wants us to have backbones of steel, and release the fire 🔥 of his word to a world that needs it!

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