Remnant Warriors Rise

Evidence of Where You’re Going

It's a cold and snowy day where I'm at. And what it brought to my mind was this, just as the ruts in this road show where I've been, they leave tracks, marks and evidence of where I've been. So also in my life, there's evidence of where I'm going. My heart is an indicator of what's taking place in my life. The Bible says, "Out of our heart flow the issues of our life." Come on remnant, it's time to keep our heart right before the Lord. It's time to keep our spirit right with God. It's the evidence of where we are, but it's the evidence of where we're going to end up. If you wanna know where your life's gonna be, look at where your heart is today. And if you don't change course and don't change direction, you'll end up in a spot that your heart points to. So let's keep our hearts right before the Lord and stay ready for everything that Jesus wants to do in our life.

➡️ let me know in the comments if I can pray for you!🙏😀
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It’s time for the people of God to be the Remnant Warriors the Lord wants us to be, have backbones of steel, and release the fire 🔥 of his word to a world that needs it!⤵️

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