Remnant Warriors Rise

God is not going to fail you now!

Let me just take a moment to remind you the Lord is not going to fail you now I'm going to tell you you may have been through the fire and through the mess and through all sorts of things That sought to take you down and take you out, but God is going to lift you up and bring you up The Lord that you serve is for you and I just I just feel him right now Just wanting to encourage somebody and just remind you That you are not down and out as you have supposed But that God is right now working out his plans for your life that right now He is moving with power. Even if you don't know it or realize that God is moving. So trust him today Don't turn away. Don't give up people of God right now is the moment in time We're about to see an explosion in history of the things of God coming to pass not only in earth, but in our lives So trust God's timing and trust God now

➡️ let me know in the comments if I can pray for you!🙏😀
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