Remnant Warriors Rise

Invitation to Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior

Maybe you've never given your life to Jesus. Well, today's your day, friend. Today, Jesus wants to come, and he wants to speak to you about your problems and your troubles and your heartaches. He wants to be your friend. He wants to be your heavenly Father. He wants to be the one that helps fix the things that are wrong in your life, through his Spirit guiding you and guiding your steps with purpose. But you gotta take the step in humility and submission to give your heart to him. And it's super easy, and we're gonna pray it together in a minute. I hope that you will. But if you're listening, and maybe you've already given your heart to the Lord, but you've got these things that are weighing heavy on you, maybe areas where you know God is dealing with, it's time to give that up to Jesus as well. It's time to give him complete control and lordship over your life. He's got an awesome purpose and plan for you. Oh, and God so longs to pour out his voice and presence in your life. So no matter which camp you come from on that, I want you to pray with me. Would you do that? Pray, dear heavenly Father, come into my heart and save me. I confess my sins before you. I need your forgiveness. I need your help. I repent of things I've done wrong. I turn from it. I choose to live a different direction. I ask for your blood to wash away my sins from my head to my feet, wash away every sin in my life. I fully and totally and finally give you my heart and make you the Lord of my life. I ask you to save me and lead me and guide me all the days of my life, for I believe that you died for me. And you rose from the grave and I give you praise in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. I'm going to tell you, no matter what everybody else may say, if you prayed that prayer and you meant it in your heart, Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory came to take up residence in your heart.
#Jesus #Salvation #Forgiveness #Repentance #Faith #Lordship