When we speak the word of God, there is inherent power in that word to move mountains in our life, really. As we hear it and it increases our faith, the things of God just come into play and it removes the things of the enemy. Our battle, really, as a believer, is in two main areas. Our attacks come in our mind. So that's where we're often attacked, but then our battle, our warfare against the thoughts of the enemy, really, by and large, comes through our mouth, through what we speak. And even with our mouth, that's the way that we really utilize and activate our faith. You can't just say you believe something. You have to act on what you say you believe. And so when you declare the word of God and you act on the word of God, you're literally increasing faith in your life.
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It’s time for the people of God to be the Remnant Warriors the Lord wants us to be, have backbones of steel, and release the fire 🔥 of his word to a world that needs it!⤵️
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