I play guitar. I hate it when it's out of tune. When it's out of tune, no one wants to hear it. When it's out of tune, it doesn't produce a good sound. When it's out of tune, it doesn't seem to work right. When it's out of tune, it doesn't fit. If you've ever felt like your life doesn't fit, if you're asking yourself, Lord, what needs to change? Could it be that there's some stuff God's trying to speak into you and you've just not come into agreement or alignment with it yet? And it could be because God is trying to say things to you that are bigger than what you can conceive of hearing for your life. But here's the thing, in this last day hour, God is moving in the lives of his people and his church to rise up with boldness, and courage to challenge culture from the media, from government, from all sorts of areas.
➡️ let me know in the comments if I can pray for you!🙏😀
➡️ if the Lord healed you physically please comment or leave your testimony at https://Remnantwarriorsrise.com/contact...#remnantwarriorsrise #ChristianTiktok #Jesus #God #Prayer #Christianity #Faith #Truth #salvation #healing #miracles #awakening #grace #speakingintongues #Gospel #angels #demons #supernatural #revival #deliverance #HolyGhost #Israel #goodnews #hope #preachingthegospel #reels #bible #shorts #christian
It’s time for the people of God to be the Remnant Warriors the Lord wants us to be, have backbones of steel, and release the fire 🔥 of his word to a world that needs it!⤵️
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