Remnant Warriors Rise

Trust in God‘s ultimate control over your life

God has the ultimate control over your life. That it's not your past or the bitter things or hurtful things in your past. It's not your future that has the ultimate control, but God has the ultimate control over our life. So let's stop letting things the enemy throws in our face, try to control our destiny and control who we are in Jesus. Let's rise up with boldness in our hearts and just know that we have a God that's for us. Let's stand in awe of who he is. Let's stand prepared and ready to see the miraculous, trusting God for his provision, for his grace, for the things that he has planned for our life because God's not gonna let you go, friend. He's not gonna let you go. He's gonna stand beside you and with you at every step of the way. So you can absolutely trust in the power of the name of Jesus. Let's rise up into our destiny through the power of the name of Jesus.

➡️ let me know in the comments if I can pray for you!🙏😀
➡️ if the Lord healed you physically please comment or leave your testimony at

#remnantwarriorsrise #Jesus #Prayer #Faith #HolyGhost #goodnews #hope
It’s time for the people of God to be the Remnant Warriors the Lord wants us to be, have backbones of steel, and release the fire 🔥 of his word to a world that needs it!⤵️

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