For some, it’s a whisper in the heart, a gentle tug towards humility and gratitude. For others, it’s an overwhelming flood of emotion, bringing tears of joy or repentance. In every response, there’s a recognition of one's own imperfections contrasted with the perfection of the divine. It can be a…
For some, it’s a whisper in the heart, a gentle tug towards humility and gratitude. For others, it’s an overwhelming flood of emotion, bringing tears of joy or repentance. In every response, there’s a recognition of one's own imperfections contrasted with the perfection of the divine. It can be a…
For some, it’s a whisper in the heart, a gentle tug towards humility and gratitude. For others, it’s an overwhelming flood of emotion, bringing tears of joy or repentance. In every response, there’s a recognition of one's own imperfections contrasted with the perfection of the divine. It can be a…
The enemy may be trying to come against your life, but there is great power for you available in the name of Jesus. Don't give in to the enemy. Trust the name of Jesus. Victory comes from Him in Jesus name. ➡️ let me know in the comments if I…
For some, it’s a whisper in the heart, a gentle tug towards humility and gratitude. For others, it’s an overwhelming flood of emotion, bringing tears of joy or repentance. In every response, there’s a recognition of one's own imperfections contrasted with the perfection of the divine. It can be a…
In the journey of faith, the concept of bringing heaven to earth in one's life is profound. It speaks to the transformational power of divine presence within individuals. God desires to infuse earthly existence with heavenly qualities: love, joy, peace, and righteousness. This transformation begins within the hearts and minds…
#remnantwarriorsrise #ChristianTiktok #Jesus #God #Prayer #Christianity #Faith #Truth #salvation #healing #miracles #awakening #grace #speakingintongues #Gospel #angels #demons #supernatural #revival #deliverance #HolyGhost #Israel #goodnews #hope #preachingthegospel #reels #bible #shorts #christian
Proverbs 22:1 emphasizes the value of a good reputation, stating, "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." This underscores the importance of cultivating a virtuous reputation, which begins with the name one carries. Choosing a good name, therefore, is…
If you need something from the Lord, be persistent in your asking. God is for you. He's not against you. He longs to answer your prayers in Jesus name. He will do it. God is a God who comes through. ➡️ let me know in the comments if I can…
Jesus died on the cross for you in your place for your sin And the bible says if we confess our sins He is faithful and he is just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all Unrighteousness, you don't have to remain bound up by…
You know what? God is speaking right now in the earth to His people, to the church. He is speaking. He's speaking absolutely through His Word as always, and He's always faithful to do that. But the Holy Spirit is speaking right now in the earth to the people of…
True prayer is born out of a deep faith that transcends fear. When we pray from a place of desperation rooted in faith, we acknowledge our dependence on God's wisdom, strength, and guidance. It's a surrendering of our own limitations and an acceptance of His divine will. Instead of being…
Here's what I feel like the Lord is saying. We've got to keep our ears tuned to heaven right now. There's some things he's longing and desiring to do for the people of God. There's things that he is desperately trying to do for his children and for his You…
Ambassadors of the kingdom of God emulate the life Jesus lived through the power, authority, and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, during His earthly ministry, demonstrated love, compassion, and miraculous power, all fueled by His intimate connection with the Father through the Holy Spirit. Similarly, as ambassadors, we tap…
To be effective ambassadors for the kingdom of God, we must first encounter the power of God in our lives. This encounter is more than just a theological concept; it's a transformative experience that ignites within us a passion for His kingdom and His purposes. When we encounter God's power,…
What a beautiful day we have been given in the Lord's presence. I want to take a moment just to remind you make every moment count. Worship the Lord with everything that you have in your heart. Don't hold anything back. Seek his presence. Seek his power. Seek his anointing.…
For believers in Jesus, embracing our purpose is paramount. We're called to be salt and light in the world, to illuminate darkness and preserve goodness. By rising into our purpose, we actively participate in God's plan for redemption and restoration. This involves not only personal growth but also engaging with…
Even when everything is against you, Jesus is FOR you! ➡️ let me know in the comments if I can pray for you!🙏😀 ➡️ if the Lord healed you physically please comment or leave your testimony at #ChristianTiktok #Jesus #God #Prayer #Christianity #Faith #Truth #salvation #healing #miracles #awakening #grace…
This is the day the Lord has made. If you do anything today, do this. Seek for the presence of God to so flood and fill your life that it simply overwhelms everything else. Because when you get Jesus, when you feel Jesus, when you have Jesus in your life…
As an ambassador for the Kingdom of God, one carries the weighty responsibility of representing divine principles and values on earth. This role transcends mere words; it demands a life lived in accordance with the teachings of love, compassion, and justice espoused by the Kingdom. Every action becomes a reflection…
Remember God is able to do anything that you need him to do. His power is limitless. He's limitless in scope and ability. God will and can come through for anything that you need. So don't give up on the things of God. Trust in the powerful name of Jesus.…
Let me tell you this, don't give up on your miracle from God. When Jesus is present, anything is possible, anything can happen. We don't have to doubt or worry or fear. Will God keep his word? Will he actually come through? Will he do for us what his word…
Our faith in Jesus finds its truest expression through obedience that manifests in action. By following the teachings and example of Jesus, we not only affirm our belief but also demonstrate its validity to the world. Obedience becomes the tangible evidence of our faith, showcasing its transformative power in our…
God is looking for surrender from his people. There is so much that he wants to do in your life and through your life and for you. But for that to be accomplished, we've gotta surrender to what he desires. Surrender to the power of his will. Surrender to what…