103. Life will not crush you because God will help you overcome . . . Even when pressure comes at you from every angle, keep your eyes focused on the right thing. God will not let you fail. He will help you and be with you through everything that you…
There is POWER in the name of Jesus . . . There is power to save, heal, deliver, and set free, all in the name of Jesus! His is the name above every other name… And at his name, every knee will bow! . . . Watch or listen to…
Jesus is coming soon!...Signs of the times are coming to pass quicker than you can count! Jesus is coming very soon! We need to keep our hearts, ready and prepared for the return of the Lord. Let’s share the good news of the gospel, and the Blessed hope of the…
Stir up the Gift of God in you . . . We've got to begin to stir up what's on the inside of us. God put something in you for a reason and for a purpose. And you may think you're not gifted, you may think there's nothing in you…
There is a gift from God inside of you! If you’re a believer, the Holy Spirit planted and placed one of the nine gifts of the Spirit inside your life when you became born again. There’s also a call upon your life from the Lord. Not only do we need…
101. The Supernatural God - Part 3 - Stir Up The Gift of God IN you...There is a gift from God inside of you! If you’re a believer, the Holy Spirit planted and placed one of the nine gifts of the Spirit inside your life when you became born again.…
There is healing power available in the name of Jesus . . . The Lord wants to heal you from every sickness and disease, and every physical problem! There’s healing available through the stripes of Jesus as we appropriate them, by faith, onto and into our physical body! . .…
Jesus is Returning SOON! . . . Come on, Remnant. Let's live with joy in our heart. Because each new day that goes by, we draw closer and nearer to the rapture of the Church. There are people that say it's not going to happen. There are those that say…
Never underestimate the power of your testimony! Your testimony brings praise to the Lord, and opens up your life to the supernatural flow of God’s Spirit. . . . . . . ➡️ let me know in the comments if I can pray for you!🙏😀 ➡️ if you experienced healing…
100. The Supernatural God - Part 2 - The Power of Testimony . . . Never underestimate the power of your testimony! Your testimony brings praise to the Lord, and opens up your life to the supernatural flow of God’s Spirit. . . . . . . ➡️ let me…
Never underestimate the power of your testimony! Your testimony brings praise to the Lord, and opens up your life to the supernatural flow of God’s Spirit. . . . . . . ➡️ let me know in the comments if I can pray for you!🙏😀 ➡️ if you experienced healing…
The enemy attacks BECAUSE you are going forward in the things of God . . . We can be tempted to want to give up, because when we try to go forward with God the enemy seems to always attack us. But we need to understand his attacks come because…
99. The Supernatural God - Part 1 . . . The same Jesus that walked the shores of Galilee 2000 years ago is still alive and well today. The same life-giving power that he expressed over hundreds if not, thousands of people in need of healing is still able to…
99. The Supernatural God - Part 1 . . . The same Jesus that walked the shores of Galilee 2000 years ago is still alive and well today. The same life-giving power that he expressed over hundreds if not, thousands of people in need of healing is still able to…
Happy Resurrection Sunday . . . The resurrection of Jesus proves the power of his word! He is the son of God, exactly, as he declared himself to be, and he still lives today! He will move in your life with Power, and with miracles, and with healing, if only…
Ask the Lord to use YOU . . . It's time for us to open up our heart and be obedient to God and begin to ask Him to use us. Listen, we need to allow the Lord the freedom and the reign and the liberty to use our life…
God is raising up a remnant in his church and pouring out revival and healing! . . . The Lord is beginning to move across the Earth! My heart is to see him move in my state, in Arkansas, and pour out his Holy Spirit in revival and power! 🔥🔥🙌🏻🙌🏻…
Don’t give up on God’s plan . . . I encourage you don't give up on the purpose and plan of God. Sometimes it seems as though things take a long, long time. But don't doubt, God is in the middle of it all. He is making a way, he…
Get into the flow of the Spirit and see what God is DOING . . Watch the entire podcast on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/h3a_-yJGEUI . . The Lord did not finish moving at the end of the Bible days. The Father is still working, Jesus is still moving, the Holy Spirit…
Get into the flow of the Spirit and see what God is DOING . . . The Lord did not finish moving at the end of the Bible days. The Father is still working, Jesus is still moving, the Holy Spirit is still filling believers, and the Lord is performing…
The same God that moved in the past will move in the present . . . I want to encourage you, do not be distracted by what people say or situations say or what is going on around you. The same God that moved with power and fire and glory…
Rooted in Jesus: Seeking Deeper Intimacy with God . . . Let us draw close to the Lord and be rooted in Him so that we may experience His anointing and power in our lives! #DeepInChrist #RootedInJesus . . . . . . ➡️ let me know in the comments…
Get Ready for MORE from the Lord . . . Are you ready to experience the miraculous? It's time to seek the Lord like never before and trust Him for all the goodness He has in store for us! #GodsGoodness #SeekTheLord #MiraclesAwait . . . . . . ➡️ let…
God will not fail you! . . . Today is the day to trust in God's promises! He is faithful and will never fail us! Put your hope and faith in Jesus Christ and you will never be forsaken. . . . . . . ➡️ let me know in…