A holy encounter is coming soon! . . . Let's join together in believing for revival! We have a growing sense of expectancy that God is about to show up and do the impossible. We are about to have a holy encounter and experience His manifest presence in our lives,…
Let’s agree in prayer for healing and deliverance to come into your life . . . There is healing for you and victory in the name of Jesus. I want you to agree in prayer with me. If you need healing or a touch of God in your body, he's…
Hope for you through Jesus Christ . . . Don't lose hope! No matter what you're going through, Jesus offers hope and a new beginning. Accept Him into your life and experience the joy and peace that comes with trusting in the Lord. . . . . . . ➡️…
What if we’re wrong? . . . Don't ever doubt His promise — Jesus WILL come back! The Bible says that He Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Don't forget, He is faithful and true, and His return is coming…
What to do in perilous times . . . The Bible clearly declares to us that in the last days, perilous times will come. And we see things happening around us that seem to be perilous. Certainly they're different from the things we've experienced before. But please understand, we don't…
Unprecedented Revival Outpouring Awaits . . . It's time to get ready for the revival and outpouring that God has promised! Hear the word of the Lord and trust Him to keep His every promise. Let's join together as the people of God to experience all that He has in…
God’s Beautiful Plan . . . God has something beautiful planned for your life and for your future. Listen, remnant warriors, don't give up on the promises of God. Don't give up on the good things of God because what he has said, he will bring to pass. He will…
Ask For The Rain! . . . Remnant warriors, let's wake up and let's realize the season that we are in. It is the season of rain. God's outpouring, I'm telling you, this is the last day. Let's ask for rain in the time of rain. That's what the Bible…
Awaken Arkansas, Lord We Pray . . . The cry of my heart is “God, don't leave Arkansas out!” Don't leave Arkansas out of the move of your Spirit. Don't leave Arkansas out of the move of revival and the outflowing and outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God. But…
Arise, Warriors of God: Seek the Lord's Word . . . God is calling us to His Word! Let's unite around His truth, and not be swayed by culture. . . . . . . . . . ➡️ let me know in the comments if I can pray for…
A word from the Lord for the Remnant . . . The Lord calls us to repentance! Lay down what displeases Him and pick up what He offers. He promises to renew and refresh us if we allow His Holy Spirit to come in and change us. . . .…
Revival Is Here... and it’s for you! . . . I have an excitement and I have a joy today because I feel and I sense deep in my spirit that revival is here, revival is here. God is on the move and you see that in so many places…
Satan is Defeated Through Your Testimony of What Jesus Did For You! . . . The main warfare that we face is in our mind. And how do we defeat the devil who tries to come in our mind and implant thoughts into our heart and into our mind? Mainly…
Miracle working power of God . . . You have to determine deep in your heart, “I will make it!” You cannot allow the enemy of your soul to defeat you in your mind, but instead, you’ve got to declare the powerful words of God over yourself, and allow the…
Don’t Get Sidetracked . . . Trust in the Lord as He works out His plans and purposes for your life! Don't let the enemy derail you from pursuing healing and deliverance. God has great things in store if you only seek Him with all your heart! . . .…
Don’t Let Discouragement Win . . . It's time to awaken to the power of God that lives within us and not succumb to the temptation of quitting when times get tough. Rise up and let the power of the King of Glory be unleashed in your life! . .…
A Word (from the Lord) To The Remnant . . . Remnant warriors, God has a word for you. He is trying to raise up his people in this hour. And I don't normally put out quote unquote words from the Lord, but I feel prompted and pressed in my…
Don’t Miss The Voice of the Lord . . . God is calling out to us! He wants us to hear His voice and to recognize His presence in our lives. Whether you have known Jesus for years or are just now beginning your journey with Him, He is there,…
Do not conform to this world’s pattern . . . There is no peace in this world, but God's Word gives us the perfect peace we need. Place your faith and thinking on the power of His Word! . . . Romans 12:1-2 NKJV [1] I beseech you therefore, brethren,…
Latch on like a pitbull and don’t let go! . . . It’s time for God’s people to latch on to the promises of the word of God, and literally refuse to let go! When culture, and even hell itself tries to promote an agenda of doubt, and disbelief, telling…
The Freedom God Wants for You . . . God wants you to be free and experience true freedom! Take a moment and pray if you feel bound by past mistakes, sins, or relationships. There is freedom available and there is hope for a brighter future! . . . John…
Obedience to God's Call . . . People of God, let's stay ready. Let's stay ready to move with the hand of the Lord. God is about to move among his people. He's about to move through his remnant, through his warriors that he's raising up. Be ready for revival.…
A Christmas Message . . . This Christmas, let's open our hearts to the goodness of God. Let's remember that the birth of Jesus was the beginning of God's plan for our lives! . . . Luke 2:10-11 NKJV [10] Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid,…